A Sam 阿SAM|Official Trailer


A-Sam is a story about a disenchanted young man trying to find himself by travelling. Does he actually find himself or does he become even more lost in life?

SAM, 25 years old, lived with his parents for 20 years. This year marks the third year of him getting out into the world. When he was a student, he studied film in college, and dreamed about becoming a director like ZHANG Yimou, even though his parents just wanted him to have a steady job and to stay close to them. Then this year, Sam felt that nothing was going right; work didn’t go well, there was problem in his family, even his girlfriend left him. Traumatized, he decided to go to Beijing, thinking that it would be somewhere that he could make films and thus had a better life. However, life in Beijing turned out to be the toughest experience he ever had. When he was away from his parents, his weakness and cowardice was completely revealed. Maladroit in socializing, he is rejected and excluded, unable to even get close to the film sector. For the first time, he experienced the total social-isolation. For the first time, he realized how far away dreams are from reality. Life works in mysterious ways. Sam had no idea what he was supposed to do. In his growing confusion, he never thought the ideals that he had always guarded could be so weak. With a disheartened heart, Sam travelled to Lugu Lake. There he experienced a refound freedom. Life there seemed to be how he wanted it to be. He started reflecting on his life, and his parents. However life in Lugu Lake seemed perfect, Sam’s reality never stopped its beckoning. In the end, travel is temporary, he was always bound to leave. Maybe it was really like what he said, he had come to his senses. He returned home, started talking with his alienated father, and continued to work like before.

25歲的 Sam,理想是成為張藝謀一樣的導演,他在過程中感覺到社會對個體的壓榨和排擠,也清醒地看到了理想和現實之間的真實距離。

這是一個有關尋找的故事,尋找迷茫的源點,同時也在尋找消除迷茫的轉機。Sam,25歲。這年,Sam和父母在深圳整整生活了二十年。這年,Sam工作三年整, 學的是影視製作,理想是成為張藝謀一樣的導演。不過父母親只希望Sam找個好工作,天天陪在身邊就好。在家裡,Sam 和母親親,卻從來不和父親說話。這年,Sam 前所未有的覺得自己的人生不如意,工作不順利,家庭不溫暖,就連女友也背叛他。於是,飽受傷痛的Sam借著理想的名義,選擇去了北京,成為北漂一族。Sam的真實想法是覺得北京應該就是可以拍電影的地方,從此讓他過上更美好的生活。然而,讓Sam始料未及的是,他嘗盡了從未有過的艱辛,遠離父母親,Sam的膽怯和懦弱暴露無遺。不善於表達和交際的他,依然被排擠在導演的這條道路以外,他第一次感覺到社會對孤立的個體的壓榨和排擠,也第一次清醒地看到了理想和現實之間的真實距離。在北京的戀愛,Sam 依然沒有逃脫被女友拋棄的命運。 人生或許就該這樣,或許就該那樣,Sam 不知道自己該怎麼樣了,越來越迷茫,他從未想過自己一直堅守的理想是如此脆弱。Sam突然像一隻失去了翅膀的小鳥,無處藏身。Sam 帶著傷痕累累的心情到一個叫瀘沽湖的地方旅行。在那裡,Sam享受到了久違的自由,天空是藍的,空氣是新鮮的,湖水是碧藍的,大地是綠色的,人們是微笑的,空氣是熱情的,孩子是天真的,這似乎才是Sam想要的生活。在瀘沽湖,Sam開始反思自己的人生,開始回想自己的周遭世界,包括父母親。不過,再藍的天空,似乎也蓋不住 Sam 那張憂鬱的臉,因為現實無時無刻不在召喚他。當大家都在狂歡的時候,唯有他一個人獨自在游離,格格不入。客棧老闆紮西告訴 Sam,做男人就是要敢做敢想,而 Sam 自己非常清楚自己無法做到的就是這些。旅行總是人生中短暫的享受,Sam 最終是要離去的,或許真的像他自己說的那樣他想明白了,Sam 回到了家人身邊,開始和二十年來不說話的父親一起吃飯,晨練……還有就是,繼續上班,繼續卡拉0k。

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