A Frank Dialogue on corporate sustainability and transparency – EPISODE 1: From Earth Summit 1992 to COP26


CDP is hosting “A Frank Dialogue” to facilitate the exchange of views among thought leaders who actively engaged with the development of corporate sustainability and transparency practices. The series will facilitate an open dialogue on disclosure, reflecting on the background and historical turning points of corporate sustainability. The vision is to broadcast a discussion between leaders and key personalities, who have pioneered and influenced the ESG disclosure landscape and business accountability over the years, to influence current discussion and inspire what is to come.

The first episode kicked off at COP 26 with a dialogue between John Elkington, Izabella Teixeira, R. Mukundan and Teresa Fogelberg. Episode 1 took stock of the current watershed moment in corporate sustainability and transparency and offered reflections on the vision set out 30 years ago. The speakers looked back at that spirit of Rio in 1992 and commented on the journey over the years as well as the direction of travel.

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