Space Explorer


SPACE EXPLORER – Analiese Menezes, 87009

Exploring the history of the Sokol KV-2 Spacesuit.

‘Space Explorer’ is an interactive room within the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences that aims to explore the intricate and complex history of the Sokol KV2 spacesuit while providing audiences an insight into the feel and function of the spacesuit. This allows the audience to gain a greater understanding of the spacesuit as an integral piece of space exploration history.

The Sokol KV2 Spacesuit is a cosmonaut suit designed in 1973, after the tragedy of the Soyuz 11 expedition to the Soviet Salyut 7 space station. The mission ended in tragedy when the crew capsule depressurized during preparations for re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere resulting in the death of cosmonauts, Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsayev. The emotional impact of this tragedy is set up in the audience members mind prior to entering the museum room as the plaque indicates an atmosphere of loss.

The experience utilises digital projection and sensory technologies to create an engaging and interactive experience that is largely self-directed. Upon entering the room, the individual is met with a space control panel that prompts them to put on the replica Sokol KV2 spacesuit gloves hanging above. Following on from this, a large orange button, when pushed triggers projections on each wall. These projections are paired with speaker narration that displays the history of the Sokol KV2 Spacesuit while the sensory gloves replicate the hand and arm movement of the individual, enhancing their experience.

This experience is aimed at high-school and university students with an interest in space travel and history however can be enjoyed by all.

This design is part of the student learning experience in 87009 or 87445 VC Design Studio: Visualising Experience Spring 2021 in the Faculty of Design Architecture and Built Environment (DAB) University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and is not a professional design outcome. This project was developed under the guidance of studio leaders and demonstrators. As a response to a notional assessment brief, it is not directly connected to the Powerhouse Museum.

Music – ‚Space Ambiance‘ by Alexander Nakarada

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