Daniela Duhur Beauty Showreel – FESCH.TV


Examples of beauty short form video content for instagram and reels created during Paris & London fashion week SS22.

1. Shot behind the scenes as youtuber, podcaster and influencer Olivia Neill prepares to attend the Messika High Jewellery show at Paris Fashion Week.
MUA: Dalila Bone using lash brand sponsor Dark Swan of Denmark & Fenty Beauty

2. Shot backstage at Helen Anthony SS23 show at London fashion week.
Beauty reel featuring a team lead by manicurist Chiara Ballisai
Nail brand sponsor: Ritzy Nails

3. Shot behind the scenes as stylist and ELLE editor Georgia Medley prepares to attend the Schiaparelli show at Paris Fashion Week.
MUA: Dalila Bone
Sponsor: Opulux Beauty

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