Top 10 Alternative Light Sources for Video


Computer or tablet screen – that isolated glow on someone’s face or hands in the middle of a darker set, can be just what the doctor ordered.
TV, television – I’ve used tv’s in so many ways – data reflections, space travel ambience, face illuminations, much more.
Light wands – specifically the battery powered light wands have saved me so many times either as a quick and dirty key light, or as a background detail, and a lot of these can change colors too,
Light tube – similar to the light wands or what i call light tubes, which are basically just basic corded led utility lights. And you can daisy chain a bunch of them together, they are so easy and very cheap.
Light box or light pad – these are great for table placements, and they illuminate subjects so well especially in darker situations.
Lamps and fixtures – i’ve got a huge supply of different styles. More of a set design piece but can allow for some nice added light too.
Projector – projecting visuals onto walls or a person, or switching perspective and actually filming into the light source get’s some very cool video.
Car headlights – classic scenarios is your filming in a dark alley, and you have no lights, just your car, well you have all you need right there. A strong practical backlight.
iPhone light with paper towel – one time i got stuck filming some car details and my main light actually broke, and all i had was my phone, so i wrapped it in a paper towel to diffuse it and was able to get some pretty good shots.
Last but not least. Natural light – this is an obvious one. Maybe not even considered “alternative” but hey its on the list – The sun, or sunlight diffused by clouds, whatever. When in doubt, find a window, and let the universe light your subject naturally.
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