TotemBridge Funding Campaign Video


Help support TotemBridge!

Logline: A inner city fisherman joins the Spirit of the Waters Totem Journey to fortify his connection to nature. And save PNW salmon in the process.

Summary: Gian Lawrence is no stranger to adversity. Known to many as “The Black Stonefly,” Gian grew up (and was nearly killed) in Tacoma’s notorious Hilltop neighborhood. Desperate for a life off the streets, he taught himself how to fly fish and from that unlikely mediation his new life began. A life of character and accountability, of inner-fortitude and grace- qualities that would make him a better man, and a better father. Qualities that drew the attention of Se’Si’Le, an indigenous led non-profit that after viewing the award-winning biographical short film, The Black Stonefly, invited Gian to meet Jay Julius, the former Lummi Nation Chairman and Jewel James of the House of Tears Carvers in person. Their acceptance bestows upon Gian a great honor and with that, a once-in-a-lifetime invitation to join them on their Spirit of the Waters totem pole journey in its mission to remove the lower four dams of the imperiled Snake River.

Support: The estimated costs for Gian and a crew of six to travel on this twenty day journey will exceed $80,000 dollars. Your support for TotemBridge will help to cover travel and accommodation costs, crew stipends, insurance and equipment rental allowing us to be able to fund production on this timely and time-sensitive documentary. Thank you for supporting this film, Gian, the Totem Journey and most importantly the wild salmon of the PNW with your donations.

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