Experience A World Beyond.mp4


Experience A World Beyond

Country: Qatar Length: 01’20“ Type of Production: Promotional Film


Synopsis: Qatar has stepped on to the world stage to present itself as an emerging tourism destination courtesy of an international advertising campaign, website and personalized mobile app travel companion.
‘Experience a World Beyond’ sees the Middle Eastern nation target 15 markets through TV, out-of-home (OOH), social and digital channels including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat, promoting the Arabian Peninsula as a hub for outdoor activities as seen through the misadventures of six cute CGI keychain critters.
An Arabian oryx, falcon and turtle also serve as local guides – each offering insight into a different aspect of Qatari culture – which have been created by character designer Peter De Sevre and renowned director Hervé de Crecy, in collaboration with Mikros MPC Advertising Paris.

Film Director: Hervé de Crecy
Film Producer: N/A
Production Company: Solab (France) / The Film House (Qatar)
Client: Qatar Tourism


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The CIFFT Circuit brings together the �����’� ���� ������� ���� ��������� in an outstanding competition in the format of “������������” �� “������” to recognize and reward the best Video Ads and Promotional Films from tourism destinations, products and services.

Throughout the year, the submitted videos or series participate in festivals spread across four continents. At each circuit stage, the production is evaluated by a panel of international judges who will decide the winners. Awards obtained throughout each stage will be converted into points that grant access to the CIFFT Ranking List, the leading global resource for benchmarking creativity and effectiveness in Travel Video Marketing.

The CIFFT Ranking List establishes, at the end of each year, the �����’� ���� ������� ����� in six thematic categories: Tourism Destinations Cities, Regions, Countries, Tourism Products, Tourism Services and Independent Travel Videos.

��� ������� �����������, ������ ����� www.cifft.com �� ������� info@cifft.com

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