OG Neuro – EMG-NCS


EMG, or Electromyography, is a test that a neurologist performs by sticking a needle in to the belly of a muscle. The needle creates waveforms on a computer and is also like a microphone that picks up sounds. The shapes of the wave forms and the quality of the sounds help determine if the muscle is getting signals from the nerves properly. to check motor and sensory nerves.

NCS, Nerve Conduction Studies, test peripheral nerves. To perform this test, neurologists put a little „zap“ electrical shock from a metal probe on one part of your arm or leg and then a little stickers on a different part of your arm or leg tests how well the nerve (similar to an electrical wire) allows that shock to travel down it.

Somtimes these test is used to help figure out why people have weakness, numbness, tingling in their arms and legs. Many times in conversation, people drop the „NCS“ part and simply say, „I am going to get an EMG.“


OG Neuro – Creative Sciences

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