Track 1, Module 3, Lesson 5


Track 1, Module 3, Lesson 5

Lesson 5: Planning Your Writing Budget
Think of a book as an investment. You are investing your: Time, your Talent, And, often, your finances too. With this in mind, it is important to plan ahead to mitigate some of the sting you can feel with the costs involved in writing a book. In this lesson we discuss the various costs involved with writing a book.
Common Costs:
Depending on the kind of publishing you will pursue, below is a list of common expenses in book writing. If you are self publishing then you will need to be prepared to personally cover these costs.
Graphic Design (cover) $500 – $3000
Copy Writer (cover copy and messaging) $500 – $1000
Copy Editor $1500 – $3,000
Content Editor $2,000 – $6000
Proofreader $100 – $500
Print Costs $3 – $35 per book Depending on your book size, page count, cover type, interior font color
Shipping Costs – To have your books shipped to your home from the print facility
This depends on how many books you order but you should expect to spend no less than $50 – $75 on shipping for one or two boxes of books. Depending on the size of your book each box can hold between 30 to 50 books on average.
Some other costs you’ll want to consider are:
Childcare – If you have children at home who will need childcare during your writing journey. You may need to leave them at school for extended days, or hire a babysitter.
You may wish to plan a writing get away to ensure you meet your goals and deadlines. If you decide to do this it is a good idea to plan ahead so you can keep an eye on good deals for travel, lodging, taking time off work, etc.
Are you due for a new headshot? You’ll need a professional, high resolution photo for the back cover of your book next to your bio. You’ll also need these photos for your website, social media, press releases and more.
CLOSE: At the end of the day the most important thing is that you sit down and ponder these points. Use your workbook as a guide and start planning a head for the various costs you foresee needing to utilize.

Make a note in your WORKBOOK about the possible expenses you might incur
Begin to make a plan
Pray, ask the Lord to make a way where there seems to be no way
He is Jehovah Jireh! God who provides.

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