Easygrip: Your next on the go coffee maker


We have created a portable coffee maker that can be used both with Nespresso and Dolce Gusto coffee capsules. Our coffee maker gives users the ability to not only drink from the top but also to completely detach the drinking compartment for a more convenient drinking experience and increased safety while using the product in the car. Easygrip has a water capacity of 120ml allowing it’s users to brew double the amount of coffee than its competitors. Elevated by its high quality materials the product feels and looks as it should, making it the perfect addition to any modern kitchen and not having to shy away from any other high priced traditional coffee maker. The included homestand gives the product a place in your kitchen which allows for even easier access and the possibility to store up to 6 additional capsules and your personal travel container for even more flexibility. Brewing coffee has never been easier! By the click of just one button you have freshly brewed coffee at your fingertips. No matter where you are.

Designed by: Paul Seidel, Joana Rüschoff, Jakub Weissgerber

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