5 Keys to Job Search Success With Machine Resue Screening – FESCH.TV


Here are five job search tips for success in automated recruiting
1. Whether you are applying to a Wall Street behemoth or a small company using online firms like Indeed or iHire to promote their jobs, candidate screening is increasingly done by a machine using job-specific algorithms.
2. Using a “high fashion” color-coded resume, a clever tactic from days gone by, will no longer work. Do not waste your money.
3. There is no such thing as an optimized resume that you can use for all submissions. You must customize your resume for each job.
4. Never stop building your professional network. Your odds of getting interviewed and getting the job are significantly better if you are referred to the employer by someone they know.
5. Most job seekers, regardless of qualifications, lose out at the interview table. You absolutely must master the art of the job interview.
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